Wednesday, April 6, 2011

diet violation

just when i was truly proud and shouted to the world about altering my diet to curb the symptoms of my adenomyosis, i did a major blunder today. TWICE - imagine that!

the violation was prompted by another violation against a personal policy not to bring work at home. last night, i came home late from a family dinner. thus, i didn't have time to buy vegetables to cook for breakfast the next day. when i arrived home, i readily checked on my mail to check if my boss had sent the feedback he promised. for some reason, i couldn't wait until work the next day to check on my mail. see, he promised that he'd reply that night. knowing the importance of the feedback, i convinced myself that it was okay to have a peek. see, a few years back, for health reasons, i've shunned bringing work at home. but that night, for a long while, i chose to work. i went over the samples i previously sent to check on his feedback. that move spiralled the never-ending thought process of figuring out how to meet an impossible deadline.

so today, knowing the work ahead of me - i had breakfast at jollibee - the no. 1 fastfood chain in the ph. then tonight, i went to mcdo for dinner. i had to finish something so i can focus on my real work priority the next day.

drat! I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT FASTFOOD as the meals available there do not go well with my symptoms. but just like in the past, when i'm stressed at work - i always resort to eating in order to cope. very bad!!!

hopefully, i will do better the next few days as i can't go back to my USUAL DIET!

okay, enough ranting and back to the one that's causing the stress: WORK!!!


  1. hi there... i'm touched with all of your blogs.. i do hope i can talk to you soon.. i think i've got the same problem too.. i'm so stressed already..

    1. wow! first comment. hehe, i didn't expect i could find someone here in the PH possibly having the same condition as mine. sure, sure.. let's talk. shoot me a message here or send me an e-mail at

      just out of curiosity, how did you come by my blog?

      thanks for visiting!


hi! thanks for reading. do you have or know anyone with adenomyosis? perhaps we could share experiences. would love to hear yours and possibly offer support.