Tuesday, December 24, 2013

eggplant lasagna

merry christmas!!!

it's that time of the year when dieters are put to a test! as christmas in the philippines is highly celebrated, staying on one's diet course can prove challenging. heck, for someone like me who loves eating, going on a diet throughout the year often always remains a dream more than becoming a reality! the past months i was back to eating fast food at dinner. last october, my doc advised me to undergo another DnC as my lining again was thickened and i was spotting on and off. she recommended this to monitor my hyperplasia. as my OB isn't insurance-accredited, i opted not to do as advised. i got lazy shopping for another OB and I didn't have money for the procedure if i stick with my OB. since my doc visit, i've haven't bled in a while. it's both comforting and frightening. NOT having my period is a blessing as i do away with all the discomfort that comes with having my flow, but at the same time it's frightening as i don't know what's going on with my beautiful u. NOT doing the DnC now could mean i'm compromising my health. but let's just say that i'm relying on a much higher power (possibly stupid!) who knows my future. yep, i'm turning to faith, here.

anyway, as i can't possibly rely everything on the jokester, i have to do my share of the work. that is, to watch what i eat (yeah, mostly unsuccessfully!). based on personal experience, minimizing consumption of red meat has done wondrous things to my symptoms. yes, things might just be coincidental, but i swear - i've noticed the difference of not feeling any more pain every time i have my period since i started eating less and less of red meat. (i still eat them, but not as often as before).

i love pastas. but since i've made my decision to try to cut my red meats, i've managed eating pastas using only canned tuna flakes. sometimes, i go purely vegetarian with my pasta and just contend with loads of red tomatoes, onions, and bell pepper; and use rice-based, gluten-free pasta noodles.

SO, in line with the attempt to minimize my red meats, i opted to make this eggplant lasagna to bring home to my family for christmas!

eggplant lasagna

meat sauce = canned tuna flakes, red tomatoes, bell pepper, onions in del monte tomato & cheese sauce and filipino style spaghetti sauce

verdict: my sister said that for a first time attempt in making this dish, i did real well (something you could share to neighbors with pride -which my mother actually did). as for my brother, he said i could have done without the 'eggplant' haha!! well, my brother doesn't like vegetables much, so i could understand the comment.

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hi! thanks for reading. do you have or know anyone with adenomyosis? perhaps we could share experiences. would love to hear yours and possibly offer support.